Wednesday, April 16, 2008

[ jukebox track>>> what goes around comes around- j. timberlake]

now we know why your house never lacks cooking oil.

flo babe. they got you in cans!
but hell, i didnt know gooseberry was a real fruit.

prego prego prego. saviour for Home Econs class.

macaroni. strawberry yogurt. cranberry yogurt. kimchi noodle. aloe vera. fat-free vanilla pudding. guiling. pasta sauce. two happy taureans. one cashier with attitude problem.

mala pot kaki.
mikay's munch recommendation for the month.
rp's szechuan stall mala steamboat is seriously shiok. (serving for 2)
onlay six bucks but it opens after 4pm, i tink.

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