Tuesday, September 15, 2009


how's it going! (: been away from the blogging-everyday regime cos i've been exploring other blogospheres & then i hit on TUMBLR. probably gonna move house soon but still contemplating on the "no comments are leavable" style of tumblr. oh well, back to truelife:
there's a couple of september babies to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOOO!
first off, my partner in crime for gossips and bingeing, JEANETTE aka AH GIRL in office. super noisy & feed me like i never eat for 1564131561 years.
the cake is awesome huh, wholesome chocolatey. we're still wondering who ate the Praise The Lord.

John, randy's brother. looking never happier at another year grown, another year walked with Him. (:

& peekaboo! my most adorable nephew, NICKY CHO aka naughty pau. (:
should be fine dining this year too, we hope.
yup those are it. but october's coming & another handful is coming too. like barnacle & YT, lovelies. (:

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