Thursday, October 22, 2009

the sartorialist (taken from

What makes Scott Schumann awesome is that he believes the very fashion that we talk about comes from the real world runway- the streets- and it does not only take a Marc Jacobs or a Donna Karan to whip up some hardcore style, we can.

gosh i'm crazy over her shoes. uber urban casual & sufficiently edgy. & her hair. i seriously think that digital perm looks great on people with darker skintone.

comfy and breezy tie-dye dress. great for summer. oh well, it's summer all year round here anyway.

i dunno. this kinda reminds me of boyf. he doesnt exactly dress like that but given the funding, i s'pose he'd invest on something like that. & i love this style of cos. instead of those hair that covers up half your face, small tees & skinny jeans that those cookie-cutter emo boys are wearing. this is something refreshing.

i love her french vibe & the beatles hair. i dont think i can ever pull off a short cut. people with skinny faces should try this hairstyle! long hair is boring already, seriously.

hi mr. sinatra. i love the body hugging suit. suave.

went to meet alg yesterday & it was a great catch up! girl talking and boots strutting. &ya all three of us, including YT, are victims of ns. haha. too bad you "cant" come on saturday or else most of the clique would be there. TSK. shall find a day for off & we'll go for our ladies night! no not clubbing, dork. something elseeeeee. grins. motel pyjama party soon at the weird place you said! WOOH. (:

ps\\ i dont think i feel the same way about you anymore. this is sad but i dont feel very sad about it. this is bad but i dont feel bad about it. (no geeky sweetie, i dont mean you. dont worry, LUB LUBS TO TEKONG! PS I MISS YOUR ARMPITS YOU SO MUCH!)

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