Wednesday, August 20, 2008

[jukebox track>>> i'll do anything- jason mraz]

Today we shall talk about Toxic Friends, my sweet peeps.
yes. dettol liquids that resemble ice lemon tea, people.

Friendship. It is a two-way kinda thing.
Of course, it shouldnt be too reliant but you must find comfort and trust in it.

Toxic Friendship are those that make you feel drained out, unequally treated and you feel put down most of the time.
it is both over demanding and you feel insecure in it.

it is as though to see you crumble would be something the TFs would find pleasing to know. you are mostly being criticised or sarcastically dealt with when out with these people you call friends and at the end of the day, you sit at home feeling crappy and fucked up.

they are mainly classified into:
  1. The User
  2. The Betrayer
  3. The Control Freak
  4. The Judge
  5. The Promise Breaker
  6. The Gossip Monger
  7. The Self-Centered
  8. The Competitor
  9. The Leaner
(all self explainatory. and i think "you" fall into most of the categories.)

So the big question is how to deal with TFs if you identify one.

It is a no brainer, right? But it is easier said.
After all, you spend time with this person and you pour your heart out and share laughters.

my dear
BUMHOLE friend . you get really offensive and insulting sometimes.
and one thing is having different principles from you doesnt mean i have no principles.
please learn how to draw the line.
and stop playing the judge. god.

Well. that's my piece. do you have a Toxic Mate?

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